Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Future of the Assemblies of God is in Good Hands

As an older guy who has held Assembly of God credentials less than a year, I am impressed by the young pastors in our fellowship. I have read with great interest the blog Future AG ( The reins of the movement will soon be turned over to these more youthful pastors and I am excited about the future.

The postmodern generation is a generation with great interest in the supernatural. (For the most part, my enlightened generation did not see the possibility of the supernatural.) As younger guys and gals move in the charismatic gifts before your generation, we will have people movements like we studied about in missions classes. I trust that you will find the methods to package the old Biblical truths in ways appealing to post moderns.

Older Pentecostals must demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and the lives of their churches. Too many of our young pastors have not seen a real move of the Holy Spirit. If we cannot demonstrate the charismata, we are in trouble with our movement. What makes a Pentecostal different from a typical Evangelical is the Pentecostal worldview holds a very immanent God. Our “Pentecostal” God is here, now, and in us to change the world.

Hey older pastors, the younger pastors have trouble with “initial physical evidence” because we have not demonstrated it. In the last three years, other than myself, I have seen only one pastor preach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And that pastor was not AG, he was Baptist.


Ekaputra Tupamahu said...

I would say AMEN!! We have to maintain our great heritage. It is funny though to see how pentecostal pastors don't preach Baptism in the Holy Spirit anymore. I am just thinking, Are they embarrassed about their own heritage?

Pete Pentecostal said...

I am excited. My pastor has posted on the church website that he is preaching on Act 19:5 & 6 on Sunday. I am believing God to see many Baptized in the Holy Spirit