Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Brother

For about a year I stopped attending Sunday school. I was frustrated by the study of books whose authors have subtle anti-Pentecostal currents and/or lousy hermeneutics. Recently I started attending another class. I have been very blessed by the depth of teaching in this group.

There have been two main teachers in this class but often members fill in for a teacher that cannot be there. It is a great blessing to listen to each one of them. Their exposition of the scripture is excellent. I am finding the Sunday school classes more instructive and memorable than the pastor’s Sunday preaching. These teachers are lay people that are truly students of the Word.

What makes this group so different from the other Sunday school classes in this church? The difference is one brother who has been sitting in the background and over a period of years has mentored this group. One brother has made a great difference in the solid, spiritual growth of individuals in this group. He has truly discipled this group into a group of disciplers and teachers.

I repent of my frustration; I pray that I might be used like this brother.